Application for Enrolment: Which course(s) would you like to enroll in? If applying as a “package”, please tick all courses.
Have you ever studied with Melbourne college of Business & Technology before?
Yes No
Do you wish to apply for Credit Transfer?
Please refer to the course credit section of the Student Handbook for further details. Complete the course credit application form and submit it with this application. Certified copies of evidence of qualifications, statement of attainment and/or results must accompany your application. Failure to provide the completed course credit application form and evidence of qualifications, statement of attainment and/or results may result in the application being disapproved.
Personal details
Full Name
Enter Your Birth Date
Gender Male Female Other
Enter your contact details.
What is the address of your usual residence? (In Australia)
What is the address of your usual residence? (Home Country)
What is the address of your usual residence? (if different from above)
Emergency Contact Details:
Name of person:
Relationship to you:
Education Agent: Yes No
Name of person:
How did you find out about this course?
Select Mode Advertisement Newspaper Internet Friends Search engines/google Other
Passport and Visa Details
What type of visa are you currently holding (if currently holding a visa)
If currently enrolled with any other education provider, please provide a copy of your current student visa and all CoEs
that you are holding with your application *
Student Visa Visitor Visa Working Holiday Visa Work Travel Visa Other
If you are applying for a Student Visa, are you applying
Offshore (outside Australia) Onshore (within Australia)
Language and cultural diversity
Name of English Test Taken—Please choose an option—
In which country were you born?
Australia Other
Do you speak a language other than English at home? (If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often)
No, English only Yes, other – please specify
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, mark both ‘Yes’ boxes)
Yes, Aboriginal No Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)*
OSHC Arranged Yes (Part A) No (Part B)
Part A Insurer Details
Name of Insurer:
Member Number:
Date of Expiry:
Part B Melbourne College of Business and Technology (MCBT) to arrange:
Cover Type: Single Double Family
From Date:
To Date:
*The Australian Government requires all persons entering Australia on a Student Visa to have OSHC. *The length of your OSHC MUST cover the total length of your course(s)
What is your highest COMPLETED school level? If you are currently enrolled in secondary education, the Highest school level completed refers to the highest school level you have
completed and not the level you are currently undertaking. For example, if you are currently in Year 10 the Highest school level
completed is Year 9.
Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent Year 9 or equivalent Year 8 or below Never attended school
Are you still enrolled in secondary or senior secondary education? Yes No
Previous qualifications achieved
Have you SUCCESSFULLY completed any of the qualifications listed below?
Yes No
If YES, tick ANY applicable boxes. Bachelor degree or higher degree Advanced diploma or associate degree Diploma (or associate diploma Certificate IV (or advanced certificate/technician) Certificate III (or trade certificate) Certificate II Certificate I Other education (including certificates or overseas qualifications not listed above)
Of the following categories, which BEST describes your current employment status? For casual, seasonal, contract and shift work, use the current number of hours worked per week to determine
whether full time (35 hours or more per week) or part-time employed (less than 35 hours per week).
Full-time employee Part-time employee Self employed – not employing others Self employed – employing others Employed – unpaid worker in a family business Unemployed – seeking full-time work Unemployed – seeking part-time work Not employed – not seeking employment
Study Reason
Of the following categories, select the one which BEST describes the main reason you are undertaking this course/traineeship/apprenticeship (Tick ONE box only)
To get a job To develop my existing business To start my own business To try for a different career To get a better job or promotion It was a requirement of my job I wanted extra skills for my job To get into another course of study For personal interest or self-development To get skills for community/voluntary work Other reasons
Unique Student Identifier (USI) From 1 January 2015, we Melbourne College of Business and Technology(MCBT) can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment when you complete your course if you do not have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). In addition, we are required to include your USI in the data we submit to NCVER. If you have not yet obtained a USI, you can apply for it directly at on computer or mobile device.
Enter your Unique Student Identifier (USI) (if you already have one) You may already have a USI if you have done any nationally recognised training, which could include training at work, completing a first aid course or RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) course, getting a white card, or studying at a TAFE or training organisation. It is important that you try to find out whether you already have a USI before attempting to create a new one. You should not have more than one USI. To check if you already have a USI, use the ‘Forgotten USI’ link on the USI website at .
Unique Student Identifier (USI):
USI application through your RTO (if you do not already have one)
Application for Unique Student Identifier (USI) If you would like us Melbourne College of Business and Technology(MCBT) to apply for a USI on your behalf you must authorise us to do
so and declare that you have read the privacy information at . You must also provide some
additional information as noted at the end of this form so that we can apply for a USI on your behalf.
I authorise Melbourne College of Business and
Technology to apply pursuant to sub-section 9(2) of the Student Identifiers Act 2014, for a USI on my behalf.
I have read and I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information (which may include sensitive information) pursuant to the information detailed at
Town/City of Birth
(please write the name of the Australian or overseas town or city where you were born)
We will also need to verify your identity to create your USI.
Please provide details for one of the forms of identity below (numbered 1 to 8)
Please ensure that the name written in ‘Personal Details’ section is the same as written in the document you provide below.
1. Australian Driver’s Licence
State: Licence Number:
2. Medicare Card
Medicare card number:
Individual reference number (next to your name on Medicare card):
Card colour: (select which applies)
Green Yellow Blue
3. Australian Birth Certificate
Details vary according to State/Territory (see note above)
4. Australian Passport
Passport number:
5. Non-Australian Passport (with Australian Visa)
Passport number:
6. Immicard
Immicard Number:
7. Citizenship Certificate
Stock number: Acquisition date
8. Certificate of Registration by Descent
Acquisition date:
In accordance with section 11 of the Student Identifiers Act 2014, Melbourne College of Business and Technology will securely destroy personal information which we collect from individuals solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on their behalf as soon as practicable after we have made the application, or the information is no longer needed for that purpose.
Disability supplement
The purpose of the Disability supplement is to provide additional information to assist with answering the disability question.
If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list:
Disability in this context does not include short-term disabling health conditions such as a fractured leg, influenza, or corrected physical conditions such as impaired vision managed by wearing glasses or lenses.
‘11 — Hearing/deaf’
Hearing impairment is used to refer to a person who has an acquired mild, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss after learning to speak, communicates orally and maximises residual hearing with the assistance of amplification. A person who is deaf has a severe or profound hearing loss from, at, or near birth and mainly relies upon vision to communicate, whether through lip reading, gestures, cued speech, finger spelling and/or sign language.
‘12 — Physical’
A physical disability affects the mobility or dexterity of a person and may include a total or partial loss of a part of the body. A physical disability may have existed since birth or may be the result of an accident, illness, or injury suffered later in life; for example, amputation, arthritis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia or post-polio syndrome.
‘13 — Intellectual’
In general, the term ‘intellectual disability’ is used to refer to low general intellectual functioning and difficulties in adaptive behaviour, both of which conditions were manifested before the person reached the age of 18. It may result from infection before or after birth, trauma during birth, or illness.
‘14 — Learning’
A general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span. Problems in selfregulatory behaviours, social perception, and social interaction may exist with learning disabilities but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability.
‘15 — Mental illness’
Mental illness refers to a cluster of psychological and physiological symptoms that cause a person suffering or distress and which represent a departure from a person’s usual pattern and level of functioning.
‘16 — Acquired brain impairment’
Acquired brain impairment is injury to the brain that results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. Acquired brain impairment can occur as a result of trauma, hypoxia, infection, tumour, accidents, violence, substance abuse, degenerative neurological diseases or stroke. These impairments may be either temporary or permanent and cause partial or total disability or psychosocial maladjustment.
‘17 — Vision’
This covers a partial loss of sight causing difficulties in seeing, up to and including blindness. This may be present from birth or acquired as a result of disease, illness or injury.
‘18 — Medical condition’
Medical condition is a temporary or permanent condition that may be hereditary, genetically acquired or of unknown origin. The condition may not be obvious or readily identifiable yet may be mildly or severely debilitating and result in fluctuating levels of wellness and sickness, and/or periods of hospitalisation; for example, HIV/AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma or diabetes.
19 — Other
A disability, impairment or long-term condition which is not suitably described by one or several disability types in combination. Autism spectrum disorders are reported under this category
Privacy Notice
Why we collect your personal information
As a registered training organisation (RTO), we collect your personal information so we can process and manage your enrolment in a vocational education and training (VET) course with us.
How we use your personal information
We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO
How we disclose your personal information
We are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVETR Act)) to disclose the personal information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.
We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.
How NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information.
NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the NVETR Act. Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include populating authenticated VET transcripts; administration of VET; facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and understanding the VET market.
NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), Commonwealth authorities, state and territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for the purposes of those bodies, including to enable:
• administration of VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
• facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
• understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.
NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.
NCVER does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients
For more information about how NCVER will handle your personal information please refer to the NCVER’s Privacy Policy at .
If you would like to seek access to or correct your information, in the first instance, please contact your RTO using the contact details listed below.
DEWR is authorised by law, including the Privacy Act and the NVETR Act, to collect, use and disclose your personal information to fulfil specified functions and activities. For more information about how DEWR will handle your personal information, please refer to the DEWR VET Privacy Notice at
Surveys You may receive a student survey which may be run by a government department or an NCVER employee, agent, third-party contractor or another authorised agency. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.
Contact information
At any time, you may contact Melbourne College of Business and Technology(MCBT) to:
• request access to your personal information
• correct your personal information
• make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled
• ask a question about this Privacy Notice
In person Level 9,190 Queen St, Melbourne Australia
Phone no- +61 3 9018 5699
Application Checklist
Completed all sections of this application Attached certified copies of your English Proficiency Attached Health Insurance Attached certified copies of your qualifications Attached Visa Copy Attached any relevant documents Attached certified copies of your Passport
Student Declaration and Consent
I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice above. I have read and understood the Entry Requirements, the Privacy Policy and the Cancellation and Refund Policy of Melbourne College of Business and Technology (MCBT) provided to me along with this application. I confirm that I have been fully advised of the fees, cancellation and refund conditions and I agree to be a student at MCBT. I acknowledge that the provision of incorrect information or documentation or the withholding of information or documentation relating to my application may result in the cancellation of my enrolment.
Upload Required Documents
Upload Pasport
English (IELTS or PTE)
Health Insurance
Qualification Certificate (Year 10)
Qualification Certificate (Year 12)
Higher Qualification (if any)
Gap Evidence or Experience Evidence (if any)
Visa (if any)
COE (if any)
Australian Qualification (if any)